Opening and Closing Files

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Open a File

Main menu:

File > Open

Compact layout:

File > Open

Classic layout:

File Tools Panel > Open


Use Open to open a document file stored on your computer.

Tip: You can open more than one file at a time by pressing the Ctrl key as you select additional files in the Open window. You can also open a range of files by pressing the Shift key to select the last file in a range.

Tip: Go to File > File Options > Set Open/Save Default Folder to set the default folder used by Open.

Open a Recent File or Folder

Main menu:

File > Recent Files

Compact layout:

Recent Files

Classic layout:

File Tools Panel > Recent Files


Jarte maintains a Recent Files list of your ten most recently opened document files.  Selecting a file from the list immediately reopens that file.

Jarte also maintains a list of the ten most recently accessed folders.  Selecting a folder from the list displays the Open window directly to that folder.

The Recent Files list also includes option Always Reopen Last Session. When you start Jarte, the option directs Jarte to automatically reopen whatever files were open when you last exited the  program. In addition, the text cursor will automatically be moved to the first bookmark in the file if a bookmark is present. This can be a handy way to pick up your previous editing session exactly where you left off. See advanced setting Force Last Session also.

Use Clear List to remove all files and folders from the Recent Files list.


The limit on the number of files and folders displayed in the Recent Files list can be controlled using advanced settings Recent File Limit and Recent Folder Limit.
Pressing the Control key while selecting a folder from the Recent Files list opens a Windows Explorer window positioned on that folder.
Jarte Plus allows you to easily open all of the files in a folder by pressing the Shift key when you select a folder from the Recent Files list.
Advanced setting Privacy Guard can be used to prevent Jarte from remembering the list of recently opened files from one editing session to the next.

Open a Favorite File or Folder

Main menu:

File > Favorite Files

Compact layout:

Favorite Files

Classic layout:

File Tools Panel > Favorite Files


Jarte provides instant access to any files or folders you designate as favorites in the Favorite Files list. A file is designated as a favorite by checking the Favorite File check box when the file is open in the currently active tab. A folder is designated as a favorite by checking the Favorite Folder check box when any file from that folder is open in the currently active tab.

The Favorite Files list can be reorganized at any time by using Organize to display the Organize Favorites window. The window allows file and folder entries in the Favorite Files list to added, deleted, and reordered.

Clear List can be used to remove all of the files and folders from the Favorite Files list.


The limit on the number of files and folders displayed in the Favorite Files list can be controlled using advanced settings Favorite File Limit and Favorite Folder Limit.
Pressing the Control key while selecting a folder from the Favorite Files list opens a Windows Explorer window positioned on that folder.
Jarte Plus allows you to easily open all of the files in a folder by pressing the Shift key when you select a folder from the Favorite Files list.

Open a Favorite File at Startup

Jarte will automatically open a file when Jarte starts if the file has been designated for that treatment using option Open This File at Startup. Check the option's check box when the file to be automatically opened is open in the currently active tab.

Close a File

Main menu:

File > Close/Close All/Close and Delete

Compact layout:

File > Close/Close All/Close and Delete

Classic layout:

File Tools Panel > Close/Close All/Close and Delete


Close closes the file in the active tab. Close All closes all open files.

Close and Delete closes the file in the active tab and then deletes it to the Windows Recycle Bin.  If Close and Delete is selected while pressing the Shift key Jarte will permanently delete the file (i.e., the file will not be sent to the Recycle Bin).

Tip: A "Do you want to save?" prompt is displayed whenever you close a file with unsaved changes. Multiple prompts may be displayed when performing a Close All or when exiting the Jarte program. If the Shift key is pressed when answering "Yes" or "No" then the answer will automatically be applied to any remaining prompts.

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