Printing and Page Setup |
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Print displays the Print and Page Setup window used for printing documents. Print is disabled if Jarte can not find a printer on the computer or if Jarte detects an error while trying to establish contact with the default printer. In these situations Jarte displays an appropriate message in its status bar concerning printer status. Click the printer status in the status bar for more information. Jarte depends on information from the printer to properly update the status bar's page count and to display page break indicators in a document. If your computer does not have a printer you can still set one up using Add Printer in the Control Panel > Printers window. The physical printer does not actually have to exist in order for Jarte's print related functions to be enabled. Another solution is to install a free PDF printer utility such as PrimoPDF. PDF printer utilities appear as a printer on your computer when installed even though they are not associated with a physical printer. Their purpose is to provide a means of converting documents to PDF files.
Quick Print bypasses the Print and Page Setup window and immediately prints the current document using the current page setup and printer settings. Tip: There are also Quick Print Current Page and Quick Print Current Selection commands that can be assigned to custom shortcut keys or custom Quick Bar buttons. Print Preview
Print Preview displays the Print Preview window which provides a representation of what the current document will look like when printed. Page Setup
Page Setup is similar to Print in that it displays the Print and Page Setup window. The difference is that Page Setup opens the window to its Page Margins tab. |
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